AUCTION (LIVE) Saturday July 25th 9:00 A.M. 2020

ANOTHER Beautiful Sale.  This one on the Chippewa Flowage!

Location:  Hayward, Wi.  Take Hwy B approx 8 miles.  Turn left on NN. Follow another 5 miles approx and turn left on Daggett's Rd.  Watch for Tri-State Auction Signs.

2014 900 EFI Polaris Ranger 4X4 W/Dump Box & 6 Ft Poly Plow Show Room Condition, Beautiful Sylvan S820 Pontoon Boat, Several more Boats W/Motors & Trailers, 2000 Polaris Magnum 325 ATV W/Plow Real Nice Condition, JD L100 5 Speed Riding Mower W/42" Deck, Like New Snow Blower, Furniture,  Tools, Sporting, Patio Furniture Sets, Yard items.  6 Pages of Beanie Babies (Some valuable).  Much More not Mentioned.  Boxes that need to be unpacked that we could not inventory.

AUCTIONEER NOTE:  You surely won't want to miss this one.  Quality & Clean.  Everything is very well taken care of.
weather we will be able to move indoors to a large Pole Building.
SELLERS:  Ed and Wanda Thomas